Solitary me with my hand raised with the 'peace sign' to start the hour. Time passed. A car pulled up, window lowered to ask for directions. Directions given. "what's with the peace sign?" driver asked me. I gave the vigil spiel: "everyday- 5 to 6 - since october 2001". "Everyday?" Well, yes, someone is here everyday, today maybe just me. They drove on & I pondered how would it be to stand alone, signless for an hour.
I did not find out for shortly thereafter signs arrived. Two of us for considerable time.six for the balance of the hour - with a 7th with us briefly.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday August 29
One person to start the hour, soon joined by two or three more, then even more until there were eight at 6:00PM. Again some strongly felt opposition in the midst of generally supportive honks and gestures.
Tuesday August 28
Three or four people at the beginning, maybe ten at the end. We had a special visitor, a state representative from Texas. He was passing through and heard about the vigil from a Corvallis friend, and he stopped to hold a sign with us for a few minutes. Optimism about Texas sentiment for change disappeared when someone asked him about the political situation in Texas; he responded that it is even worse than you imagine. :(
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday August 26
Five people at the beginning, one by one three more people trickled in, so that there were eight at the end. It was cool for August, but still the breeze felt good.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Saturday August 25
Three of at 5:00PM, about eight at 6:00. A family reunion for one of our regular participants swelled our numbers and brought the welcome enthusiasm and games of young folks. :)
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday August 24
Three at the start, people came and left throughout the vigil, five at the end. Most of us signed the "health care is a human right" petition being circulated by Health Care for All Oregon.
Thursday August 23
Three at 5:00PM, five of us to end the hour. Halfway through a truck pulled over in front of us, to return a sign "ARE WE SAFE YET?" which got left behind Wednesday evening. Thanks! :) Later a couple of us wondered about Derrick Jensen's provocative attack on industrial civilization in his book Endgame.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wednesday August 22
Four people at the beginning of the hour, about eight at the end. A quiet-ish day, with a couple of regular participants recovering from injuries.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Monday August 20
Four or five to start the hour, about ten at 6:00PM. A young woman walked out of the courthouse to us, to suggest that we might protest the court system. She feels like her side of a court proceeding between her and her ex-partner is being mis-heard in the courts. Again we see much pain everywhere.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Sunday August 19
Four people at the start, six or seven at the end. Most of the responses from passersby were supportive, but one person driving by yelled his opposition, the loudest and most passionate cussing out we have heard in months. It made us wonder, what is there in the message "NO WAR" which draws such anger?
Saturday August 18
Five people at 5:00PM, seven or eight at the end. One friend visited again from southern California.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday August 17
Five to begin the hour, about nine at the end. We talked about canola and GMO crops in the Willamette Valley, and then we discussed a New Yorker article about standardizing knee replacements, in order to save money on health care. There are plenty of issues for people to think about, if they want to.
Wednesday August 15
Three folks at the beginning, maybe seven at the end. A car packed with young men sped by, with all the middle fingers extended. I think it was as much a prank as an opinion, and we chose to laugh. :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Tuesday August 14
Two at the start of the vigil, then people trickled in throughout the hour until there were six at the end. We were amused by a truck with ears [those less fanciful saw a dog poking its head through a sunroof :)].
Monday August 13
About three at 5:00PM, then nine at 6:00. As you may have guessed because of not seeing entries on Saturday and Sunday, many people were away during the weekend, and we talked about our various trips -- to Portland, to LaGrande, to the Coast Range. A passerby in a "Barack Obama" T-shirt asked, neither friendly nor unfriendly, "So, you're peaceniks?"
Friday, August 10, 2012
Friday August 10
One or two to start the hour, then four of us at 6:00. Small numbers notwithstanding, there was animated discussion of the coming of Walmart to Corvallis.
Thursday August 9
The anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki. One person to start the hour, then five at the end. We talked some about our gardens.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday August 8
Six to eight of us during the hour. We talked some about the plusses and minuses of co-counseling, a 1980s self-help therapy technique. One person who has had a couple of experiences with co-counseling in action sees it as often used to evade accountability.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Tuesday August 7
Three people at beginning of the hour, seven at the end. We were joined by two young folks from Germany, visitors to a regular participant in the vigil. We talked about how a vigil against war would be deeply unpopular in some places, both places in the United States and places in Germany.
Monday August 6
Three or four people at 5:00PM, nine or ten at the end. The anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima went unremarked at the vigil. So much violence.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Sunday August 5
Three people at 5:00PM, eight at 6:00. Much cooler than the day before -- we were grateful.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Saturday, August 4
Phew! It was hot; our faithful late afternoon breeze was absent. The shade was well occupied. An annual art exhibit had filled the South courthouse lawn all day; so the street parking was full and we were less visible initially. The ten of us received quizzical looks and a few conversations arose as patron and artists walked by. One man found common ground in in geography - having been born in the same hospital as one of our regulars. He spoke of being in Phoenix, Arizona during the baly-hooed lead up to invading Iraq; said he'd one to a protest there and found it was all a jumble. Except for the Methodists - they were well organized. - at least that was the reported conversation. Maybe it lost substance in the passing along. I was engaged in conversation as to the merits of urban living relative to small towns.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Friday August 3
Only one person and the signs were there for the first five minutes, but at the end of the hour we had nine adults and two children. We try to be inclusive -- child-care provided. :)
Thursday August 2
Four at the beginning of the hour, eight or nine at the end. There was a visitor from southern California who comes whenever she is in Corvallis; it was good to see her.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Wednesday August 1
The first day of August, and full moon -- things we talk about at the vigil. Today there were three or four at the start, fourteen at the end. A man driving by stopped to tell us about a favorite bumper sticker: "Be nice to America, or we may bring democracy to your country."
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Tuesday July 31
Four or five people to begin, maybe nine at the end. Fourth-Street traffic seemed more than usually hectic. We talked about how to cook oatmeal, an odd topic for a hot day.
Monday July 30
Half a dozen people through the hour. A young man who used to live in Corvallis and now lives in Ontario (Oregon) shared flowers from his grandmother's garden. Thanks! :)
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