Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, 29 July

What will we do in 2014 when allegedly we end our war on/in Afghanistan?  Will we be able to call an end to this daily Vigil for Peace?  One says; "we'll be in Iran by then.''  "Syria!." said another.  Someone else says we'll be somewhere in Asia - somewhere we think we can win a war.   Has the US won a war - whatever that means, since World War II?
Quiet Sunday, 3 women, 3 men & a dog.  Gardens and health and the dog's history (unknown as he is adopted).  Exercise came into the chat - would not give up the vigil to go to a gym for an hour.  I suggest a stationary bike at the vigil.  Which led to: how about several and we could hook them up to the grid and add power to the city's electricity during the vigil.   "Peace is Powerful."

1 comment:

  1. In Derrick Jensen's book Endgame, he argues against (strict) nonviolence because he believes that violence, used thoughtfully, is one way to build a healthier society. Which corresponds to a question about this post: does anyone win a war?
