A week left in this year!
Quiet and dark with a drizzle, I stood alone for a bit, signless. It feels like holding a space open when this happens. It is important, to me at least, that someone is there - that the start of the hour is marked by a conscious choice to stand vigil. Few cars. One more person. Then a family of four arrived. The six year old boy carried his hand lettered sign, "No War". They've come to stand for peace at this child's request that they join the protestors on christmas night. Introductions were happening as the van arrived - signs were selected amid conversations about the signs. it felt like a tremendous gift to have this family stand the balance of the hour with us. The boy's hands were cold and 45 minutes is a long time to stand in the dark; yet, he persevered and spoke with brightness about ending war and his intention to come again. His grandmother said she might make a sign saying, "Bring our troops home from Japan." Germany too, all those places we occupy. that would be an interesting turn for the passers-by - provoke some new thoughts and questions.
The clock tolled six and we moved to the van with our signs; our new young protestor tossed his sign in with the rest, saying he'll look for it next time but others can use it. makes this woman's spirit smile to think about the brightness of that child and the family who nurture him. would that all children could be so fortunate.
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