What will we do in 2014 when allegedly we end our war on/in Afghanistan? Will we be able to call an end to this daily Vigil for Peace? One says; "we'll be in Iran by then.'' "Syria!." said another. Someone else says we'll be somewhere in Asia - somewhere we think we can win a war. Has the US won a war - whatever that means, since World War II?
Quiet Sunday, 3 women, 3 men & a dog. Gardens and health and the dog's history (unknown as he is adopted). Exercise came into the chat - would not give up the vigil to go to a gym for an hour. I suggest a stationary bike at the vigil. Which led to: how about several and we could hook them up to the grid and add power to the city's electricity during the vigil. "Peace is Powerful."
In Derrick Jensen's book Endgame, he argues against (strict) nonviolence because he believes that violence, used thoughtfully, is one way to build a healthier society. Which corresponds to a question about this post: does anyone win a war?